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CPUT Data Management Plan Tool (DMPTool): How to create a plan using DMPTool?

How to create a plan using DMPTool?

Creating a plan is as simple as completing four categories listed below as they appear in the DMPTool  

1. Plan details

to capture personal details, ORCID and project description

2. Sections

Contain questions, guidance on how to answer each question. Next to each question there's a guidance with summary and possible answers which applicants may copy and paste in the answer box. Below is a list of sections and questions to be answered by each applicant using the DMPTool




Data Collection

- what data will you collect/create?

- how will the data be collected or created?

Data Documentation and Metadata

- what documentation and metadata will accompany your dataset?

Ethics and Legal Compliance

- how will you manage any ethical issues pertaining to data?

- how will you manage copyright and intellectual property rights (ipr) issues?

Data Storage and Backup

- how will you store and back up your data during the research?

- how will you manage access and security?

Data Selection and Preservation

- explain which data should be retained, shared, and /or preserved?

Data Sharing

- how will data be shared?

- are any restrictions on data sharing required?

Responsibilities and Resources

- who will be responsible for data management?

- what resources will you require to deliver your plan?


3. Share

Allow researchers to collaborate (with students, supervisors, statistician) and invite other role players to        the  project plan. The principal investigator can give rights to collaborators, right to read onlyeditco-own the plan.

4. Export

Applicants can download the plan in different formats and copy the completed plan and paste it in the NRF application form under the section "Details of Research as well as Data Management and Utilisation."
