A single title ebook is bought as a stand-alone book. It is often bought when there is a gap in a collection or for a specific area of study.
Access to some Ebsco titles is unlimited which means that multiple users may access the same title simultaneously. However, access to most Ebsco eBook titles is limited to 1-3 concurrent users. If all the sessions are in use, you'll see the message "Sorry, this ebook is in use". Once someone else has finished using the ebook you should be able to use it, you'll need to refresh the page.
Titles can be read online or can be downloaded onto a device. The downloaded title will remain on your device for a limited period: 1, 2 or 3 days then it will expire.
If you know that your whole class needs to read the book, it's best not to download it. If you only need a specific chapter of the book you are able to download and save just the chapter you need. Once you shut down the ebook it will be available for another user to view.
CPUT Libraries purchases single ebooks which are made available on the Ebscohost or VLeBooks platforms. These two platforms provide access to ebooks from a large number of publishers and cover a wide range of subjects.
To find an ebook do a search in the Library’s search box.
VLeBooks are purchased on a single title basis. Ebooks that we purchase from VLeBooks are subject to publisher restrictions.
VLeBooks ebooks may be read online. VLeBooks requires only that you use a web browser and requires no additional software or plugins. Your available print and copy allowances are clearly shown for each eBook and your current activity and usage are shown when using the ‘Read Online’ facility.
You can choose to Download; a book to your device. Any device that supports Adobe Digital Editions will allow downloads from VLeBooks. This includes PCs, laptops, Macs, Apple devices, most android devices.
http://www.vlebooks.com.libproxy.cput.ac.za/Vleweb/Home/ AccessibilityGuidance#Digital-Rights-Management