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Research Support Guide: DHET Accredited Journals

Research Information Support Centre

Accredited Journal Titles

The list contain titles from:

  • DHET
  • IBSS
  • ISI
  • Norwegian
  • SciELO SA, and
  • Scopus

Searching for accredited journal titles

The DHET Accredited Journal Lists for previous years is available via the Research Directorate page. Open the Excel spread sheet, at the bottom of the page you will see name tabs. Each of these represents a list so you will click on the tabs to move to the respective lists. If your topic is within the field of education and you would like to find accredited education journals then it would be advisable to employ a broad search strategy to find as much journals with the word education in the title. The steps are as follows;

  • Press control and F while the Excel sheet is open and a search bar should appear.
  • Type in the keyword “education” and click on Find All.
  • Below Find All a list of results appears.
  • Each result is representative of the occurrence of the word education within the list.
  • Click on the result and the number on the list is highlighted and the text box is embossed.
  • Do this with each result to take you to each occurrence of the word (in this case) education.
  • Now continue to conduct this search on the next list.
  • At the end you should have compiled a list of accredited education journal titles.

NB!  It is very important for you to check the journal's integrity to ensure that it is not a predatory journal. The Research Directorate's DHET Accredited Publication's webpage lists a number of titles that the DHET deem probable predatory journals. See
