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Faculty of Health and Wellness: Information Literacy

Why Information Literacy in the future

Module Outline


Information Literacy Program

This program provides you with information skills which will help you to succeed in your academic studies






Why Information Literacy?

Why is information literacy important?

The ability to locate, evaluate and use information is important, especially with so much online Internet resources available. Having too much Internet resources to choose from can make finding information more difficult, making information literacy skills more important than ever. Information literacy skills can be applied in students´ academic, work and personal lives to make it a lifelong learning experience.


What is Information Literacy

What is information literacy?

Information literacy is the ability to think critically about information.
The information literate student can: 

  • Determine information required
  • Access relevant information
  • Evaluate information and sources critically
  • Use information to accomplish a task
  • Understand the ethical and legal use of information