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Faculty of Health and Wellness: Dental Sciences

Welcome to 2024!

This guide provides information and links to resources that are especially useful for Dental Techology and Dental Assisting courses.

Tygerberg Branch Librarian

Profile Photo
Michelle Snyders
Tygerberg 021 959 5566
Bellville 021 959 6004

International Oral Health Day

Every year on 20th March, World Oral Health Day is observed internationally. This was initiated by FDI World Dental Foundation with the aim of creating awareness of oral health internationally, reducing the burden of oral diseases individually and on health systems. The theme for 2023 is "be proud of your mouth". Read more:


Important Notice


Tygerberg library will open normal hours as from 4th of October, 08h00-16h00 Monday to Friday.

No evening services and closed on weekends and public holidays.

Virtual library hours remain in place, Monday-Friday: 08h00 - 18h00.

Services currently offered

Your librarian will assist you with:

Primo searching

Database access and searching

