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CPUT Special Collections: Home

This guide provides information on special collections in CPUT libraries.


This guide is designed to assist students and researchers to find information resources in various special collections held by CPUT libraries. Please do not hesitate to consult your Librarians.

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About CPUT Special Collections

  • The CPUT Special Collections preserve and make accessible rare books, manuscripts, and other primary sources to all CPUT students, staff, researchers and members of the public, for research purposes.
  • The collections cover various areas including, South African history, South African Old School Curricula and Handbooks, genealogy, CPUT authored books and maritime books focusing on ships and shipping history.
  • These collections are not held in one location but physically available in one of the six CPUT libraries. The holding library of a special collection is linked where possible to the subject or research area covered by the faculty located at a campus. 

Access to CPUT Special Collections

  • Free entrance and use of the special collections in CPUT Libraries to students, staff, researchers and members of the public, for research purposes.
  • Special Collections are restricted use research collections and can only be used inside the library, because it also includes unique, rare and often fragile items.

Some of our resources in the special collections


Amohelang Boyce

   Email Me  


t: +27 21 864 5294


 Portia Rhode

  Email Me


t: +27 21 959 5550

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 08h00 -16h00  

 Saturday: Closed

Sunday and Public holidays: Closed 
