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CPUT Special Collections: South African Old School Curricula and Handbooks

This guide provides information on special collections in CPUT libraries.

SA Old School Curricula and Handbooks Collection

This collection is located at the Wellington Library. It comprises historical resources related to history and development of education in South Africa, School handbooks, school syllabi, provincial education legislation documents, education journals and teachers’ newsletters.


Genres in this Collection

  • Western Cape old school (education) curricula
  • Old curricula prescribed textbooks
  •  Education gazettes
  • Education reports 
  • Books relating to the past educational systems, practices and theories


Some of our books in the SA Old School Curricula and Handbooks Collection


For all queries related to SA school curricula collection contact Amohelang Boyce or Portia Rhode.


Amohelang Boyce

CPUT Libraries: Wellington Campus
Van Riebeeck Street
t: +27 21 864 5260



Portia Rhode

CPUT Libraries: Wellington Campus
Van Riebeeck Street
t: +27 21 864 5261

