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CPUT Libraries: Quality Assurance: Home

Access statistics from these sources

Statistics database

The statistics database is used to record monthly and annual statistics as input by library staff

CPUT Management Information Services

The CPUT MIS database provides statistics provided by the Universty, for example number of students

CPUT Quality Management

The Library QA Department is guided by the CPUT Policy on Quality Assurance for general matters and the CPUT Quality Management Department with regard to audits and reviews.



The Quality Assurance Department (with Marketing) forms part of the

Director's Support Team.The Department is responsible for Quality 

Assurance support as well as   Library Research support.It provides

library statistical data  for all levels of staff, is responsible for the

development of the Statistics database and provides training on

both the statistics  database and the collecting and using of statistics. 

It further investigates various quality assurance issues and is responsible

for  maintaining a documentary record of library activities, plans and




Quarterly report template

