Library provides support and consultation for researchers in the following areas:
- Reference management tools that help researchers to cite sources and manage documents using Mendeley, a free reference manager and an academic social network.
- Advanced information literacy skills in searching for literature which requires researchers to refresh their research skills on information literacy tutorials:
- Setting up and creating research topic alerts, table of contents alerts and citation alerts in a variety of databases and journal
- Avoid losing your research data by managing your research data using Research Data Management system from:
- Step 1: Development of a research plan
- Step 2: Review of data sets
- Step 3: Data collection and storage
- Step 4: Publication of research data
- Step 5: Training and support
- Let the world discover your work through
- Open Access publishing
- Maximizing visibility of your research output
- Loading your publications in the institutional repository
- Advisory support on where to publish
- DHET accredited journals
- Open Access publishing
- Journal impact factor – compare journals using Scopus
- Get promoted (ad hominem promotion) , get rated by NRF (generate citation analysis reports using Bibliometrics and Altmetrics tools)
- These include generating citation analysis reports of your work using Publish or Perish softaware, international ranking system like Scopus.
- These systems provide citation-based indices such as impact factors, and H-indexes.
- Setting up and maintain your research profile(s)
- Register for an ORCID account and add your work on ORCID
- Link your work from ORCID to Scopus
- Create CPUT research profile using the institutional repository
- Set other profile accounts using Google Scholar, Research Gate, LinkedIn,,